
MUST-READ: Fats that Can Burn Fats?

Unlimited Korean Barbecue; unli chicken wings and seafood; online food challenge; giant burgers and pizzas; food bazaars everywhere; buffets, lot and lots of buffets. They are popping up in almost every corner!

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It’s quite amazing how some people stay fit despite all of their insatiable cravings, and
despite their ability to make restaurants go bankrupt. That’s just insane!
*Sigh* Sometimes, natural selection can be really unfair to us.
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But why? How is that even possible?
It all boils down to their diet and habits.
Have you ever wondered how fat accumulates inside your body?
With all your drive-through excursions, binge-watching with a gallon of ice cream on the
side, and of course, your all-time favorite pastime – excavating the refrigerator for
midnight snacks… how can you possibly stay alive?
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Well, it’s not like you eat fatty foods and they’ll immediately get stored. If that’s the case,
then you’ll become one big ball of fat in no time, considering the amount of fat you
consume every day.
The answer lies to the process of which converts calories to stored fats. Some fats are
digested and metabolized into energy, but some are just stored in case a sudden famine
strikes the country.
(As if)
After you eat, your body converts the excess calories into triglycerides. The body stores
them in your fat cells, which can later be used as an energy source when your glucose
supply runs out.
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Remember the Ketogenic Diet? Yep, that’s it!
Triglycerides or stored fat is your body’s “backup” fuel source, which can only be tapped
when there’s not enough sugar or carbohydrates in your diet.
The problem is that our normal diet usually composes of carbohydrates and sugar.
Almost every food in the market contains glucose. Think about rice, cake, bread, pasta,
candy, pizza, ice cream, milk tea, and even your 3-in-1 coffee.
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As long as there is enough glycogen (glucose) in the body, triglycerides or stored fats will
not be metabolized into energy – and therefore, the cycle of storing fat continues. And
then, it accumulates over time until it becomes a problem.
Almost everything you eat is working against you.
Some people don’t stand a chance.
Their own diet, routine, and habits are the primary reasons why they just store
triglyceride over and over again, until they wake up one day feeling heavy, panting their
life in every step of stairs.
Without a way to shed these unwanted fats, you will develop what’s commonly known as
obesity. Even worse, having too many triglycerides in your blood can increase the risk of
heart disease.
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While you do need them to supply your body with stored energy so that you won’t starve
to death in case you get stuck in some deserted island like in the movies…
Fat accumulation will soon result in many health problems such as:
· Abnormal hormone levels
· Gallbladder disease
· Kidney problems
Aside from proper exercise, the best way to deal with this problem is to be conscious of
your diet, the things you put inside your mouth.
As a rule of thumb: weight loss is generally 75 % diet and only 25 % exercise. An analysis
of more than 700 weight loss studies found that people see the biggest short-term results
when they eat smart.
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A PERFECT Time to Take Arctic C – Fish Oil Supplements!
According to research, Fish Oil supplements can cause a major reduction in triglycerides;
usually, in the range of 15 to 30%. Further studies also suggest that fish oil promotes
weight loss, especially when combined with proper exercise.
Fish oil is the fat or oil that’s extracted from fish tissue.
It usually comes from oily fish, such as herring, tuna, anchovies, and mackerel. Yet it’s
sometimes produced from the livers of other fish, as is the case with cod liver oil.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 1–2 portions of fish per week.
This is because the omega-3 fatty acids in fish provide many health benefits, including
protection against several diseases.
It’s important to note that the types of omega-3s found in fish oil have greater health
benefits than the omega-3s found in some plant sources.
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What’s more…
Fish oil usually contains some vitamin A and D.
Other Benefits of Fish Oil
Apart from triglyceride reduction, fish oil and Omega 3 can also provide a lot of benefits:
· Helps Improve Mental Clarity
· Support Eye Health
· Reduces Inflammation
· Improves Bone Health
· Reduces Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome
· Fights Autoimmune Diseases
· Fights Age-Related Mental Decline
· Helps Prevent the Growth of Cancer Cells
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What’s Truly Important
So remember… cut your carbs and sugar, take healthy unsaturated fats, exercise
regularly… and take fish oil supplements to lower your triglyceride levels in your body.
But you should also remember that no amount of fish oil can save you from your bad
They are called supplements for a reason – because they can only provide a certain
amount of help when it comes to your health, but only you can truly help yourself.
Once you’ve decided to get a hold of your health… Unified Wellness is always here to
Visit Sojeca’s Health and Wellness Products now to learn more! It’s time to try the
miraculous creation of
Mother Nature itself.
All Organic and All Natural!

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